

meraldSwirl, known also as Emerald, Eugéne/Eugénie or Yuni, is a series of identifiers assigned to a phenomenon that has manifested unto this world at the tail end of the 1990s in Moscow, Russia. Over the years it has learned to mimic a human pretty convincingly, though what exactly lies beyond the surface of its eyes is, sadly, impossible to fully convey in any human language.

In EmeraldSwirl’s childhood its eccentricities have been diagnosed as autism spectrum disorder, which launched a chain of events leading to the formation of Russia’s first and so far only scientific journal about autism. Ever since kindergarten it has been daydreaming about otherworldly adventures, transformations and magical powers, which all made sense when it realized it was a magical girl itself. Its source of power, which has been lost for a short time after EmeraldSwirl’s manifestation on Earth, is the Black Octahedron, a piece of crystallized soul whose main abilities include transforming different materials into plasticine (modeling clay) and telekinetically changing its shape. Another of Emerald’s prized possession is a ring of meralite, a very malleable metal, that can transform into a Tree of life-like scepter with many strong magical powers: it is not a thing to use thoughtlessly, though, as it symbolizes an important duty.

Throughout the years EmeraldSwirl has traveled a lot, both around Europe as a tourist and across many distant magical worlds. In the Yellowgreen magical college it, along with a group of mostly imaginary friends, has defeated the terrible Master Raven; after that it has been around the Pokémon world, helping save a distant region from a corrupted government and causing lots of trouble, which will all be documented someday, in another one. It has been an instrumental figure in the ???’s devious plan to destroy the External World, which it has realized too late; after that it has encountered its biggest enemy to date: going to the university unaccommodated. Even the Owl, Master Raven’s lost student, has mostly been a backdrop to this tragic journey, which has finally concluded in 2021 with EmeraldSwirl obtaining a bachelor’s degree in antique book trade (right before that one of a kind program had closed for good).

Even with the threat of its mysterious doppelgänger, the Sculptor, trying to play god, and with its home country on its swift way to a catastrophic collapse, EmeraldSwirl still tries to live their life and help those it holds dear (warning: it was not built for any kind of lasting interaction or relationship). Its main field of activity is graphical art, namely furry art, which currently is its only means of income: see selected examples in this gallery. It fancies itself a writer, though currently it has very little to show for it besides a heap of works in progress. One probably should not mention its experience with bibliography and passing familiarity with history, since these skills are unfamiliar to the average netizen. Graphic and web design, though, are also fields where it holds some expertise.

EmeraldSwirl fun facts!

  • Has a habit for narrowly avoiding death or any serious consequence for their often very grave missteps and mistakes; it is thus religious despite being a semi-human queer abomination and regularly practicing magic.
  • It took Emerald until 6th grade to discover that the Latin letters G and J were not in fact one letter.
  • Was undiagnosed with autism in December of 2018 and is now thus legally neurotypical. A single look at it, however, is enough not only to disprove this, but sometimes to infect the beholder with neurodivergence as well.
  • Is currently experiencing severe burnout, so may not always be capable to hold a conversation, please understand.
  • More facts to come when the aforementioned burnout subsides somehow, come back later~

About the website

Coded with just HTML, CSS and a little Javascript as a pet project for learning these technologies. Big thanks to Neocities for hosting this and many more amazing sites made by infinitely creative people!

This site would be so much harder to code without W3-Include-HTML, a great script that many of you can also try ;3 My knowledge of Javascript is nigh nonexistent, sadly, so can’t really recommend any of the scripts I use.

Page is incomplete (rewrite pending); last updated on 19 February 2024. Created on 7 October 2022.
